


Family photo

A little about us.  We are Jean and Leonard and Laia the rescue Papillon.  We live in Florida and have been RVing for about 10 years now, originally in a 26 ft Class C Born Free but just recently we have upgraded to a 32 ft Allegro Open Road.  While we were working our trips were mostly exploring the southeastern USA but a few years ago we were fortunate to be able to retire early and now we are pursuing our passion for exploring the beauty and nature of the USA and Canada.


3 responses to “About

  1. You are so right! We miss BBQ so much it hurts. And Moonshine too? You bet. Looks like you’re headed straight for Mt. Rushmore and Devils Tower.


    • sunandsandtravelers

      Yes, you’re right Will. After a stop in Rochester, MN we are headed due west on I-90 and are planning on spending time in Custer State Park just south of Rapid City, SD and exploring the area. There’s a lot there and it sounds fabulous.

  2. Pick it up again!

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